Friday, May 22, 2009

The Toledo Zoo

Allison at the Toledo Zoo

After a long day at the zoo we are ready to head home

The zoo is one of our favorite things to do these days so yesterday we made the trip to Toledo with three other moms and their kids.  It was a beautiful day and the kids had a ball.  The little ones wanted to be out of the strollers to see what their big sisters and brothers were doing, the view in the stroller just isn't that great!  Allison loved the polar bears and monkeys and I think Connor could have hung out with the seals all day.  It is a lot of fun to see Connor ohhhh and ahhhh over the animals. 

Allison and me at the Zoo

1 comment:

  1. Kendall was excited to see Allison wearing one of her former dresses :). Looks like a fun day and a nice zoo! XOXO
