Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween From the Alguires

Connor and Ella ready to go Trick or Treating

The Vet and her little Pumpkin

Connor at Preschool - pre-meltdown

Ella (Dora) Allison (Vet) Connor (Batman)
Halloween was busy this year!  Connor started the day with his preschool Halloween Party where he had a complete meltdown and literally had to be peeled off of me to stay.  He was screaming, "Don't Leave!" as I grabbed Ella and left.  I felt like the worst mom in the world.  Luckily he calmed down quickly and they gave me a ring.  Not exactly how I wanted to start my day.  Allison had to change into her costume at school.  Luckily it was really easy.  She was a veterinarian, so she just needed to put on her scrub shirt, id and puppy.  She was bummed that we missed her parade, but with Ella asleep it was almost impossible if we wanted to Trick or Treat that night.  Ella wore her Dora costume most of the day. Craig was home by 5 and we were off to The Pomeroys for their annual Garage Halloween Party.  After Trick or Treating for a few minutes in Forest Hills we heading back to East to get the dog, hand out candy and see the neighbors.  It was a fun night with WAY too much candy.