Wednesday, May 20, 2009


These days "poop" seems to coming up in all areas.   I know it is disgusting, but it has been one of those issues that we just can't seem to get away from. Since the age of three Allison has found this word (along with a few others) to be simply hilarious.  Just the mere sound of the word poop sends her laughing hysterically.  Anyway, the rule at school is any bathroom words are reserved for the bathroom and since I find these words to be gross and inappropriate, I too use this rule. There have been many times when she has been with friends and cousins that I have simply chosen to "not hear" this word, but it is not allowed.  Well, tonight Allison and Connor were taking a bath together.  Craig was at journal club and I was on my own.  After letting them play for a good 20 minutes and washing them up, I preceded to get Allison out of the tub and was about to get Connor out when I heard a lovely sound and looked down....POOP! Of course I hadn't gotten all the toys out of the tub and there was a pile of it in there.  Then, as I was rinsing him off, Allison yelled from the other bathroom for help.  I am sure you can figure out what she needed!  At this point I am trying to figure out if the bath was worth it, for many reasons:)  In 4 months we will be adding another one to the mix.  So, for the next 6 years or so, the poop saga continues.  Now, not only do I have a kitchen to clean up, but a very disgusting tub.  Gotta love it!

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