Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dexter Ann Arbor Run 2009

Emily, Allison, Connor, and Staci before the run

Today was the annual Dexter Ann Arbor Run and it was a beautiful day to be downtown Ann Arbor.  Craig ran the 25K with his best time of 1 hour 28 minutes.  I ran the 5K with both kids in the double jogger and with my good friend Emily.  After the first mile she took over pushing the kids the rest of the way, which was a nice break for me!  When the race was finished we ate some yummy, free, Dominos pizza and then met up with some friends.  Taste of Ann Arbor was going on, so there was plenty to do.  The kids enjoyed the balloons, hula hoops, and jump ropes at the Ann Arbor District Library booth.  It is hard to believe that we will only be in Ann Arbor for one more run!  

Allison testing out the hula hoops

Connor trying to hula hoop
Craig at the finish

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Indoor Fun

Connor in the Fire Engine at Urban Toddler

Thanks to the rain in Ann Arbor,  we spent some time at Urban Toddler, a great indoor kids area that is set up with a mini library, market, theatre, house, and art studio.  We also spent some time at the Ann Arbor Hands On Museum where they have a great kids area with lots of blocks, puppets, fire engine, slide, and water area.   We are hoping for some dry days this week and some summer weather so that we can start going to the outdoor pools around Ann Arbor.

Going grocery shopping at the market

Allison was ready for a play in the theatre room

The little ones playing in the water area at the 
Hands On Museum

Connor enjoying the water area
Allison and Connor in the play house

Allison the firewoman

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a great Memorial Day weekend enjoying Ann Arbor.  We went to the Farmer's Market and got the kids some very cute Ann Arbor shirts that a local artist creates and her brother in-law prints.  We spent a lot time at the park, Craig took Allison swimming, and of course we went for ice cream.  On Memorial Day we spent some time with our good friends.  The kids had a ball and were VERY dirty after!  

Allison and Connor on Memorial Day!

The "Big" kids eating dinner

The "little" kids cleaning up what the big kids left!
They had just spent 30 minutes eating their own 
food, but their brother's and sisters' food looked
so much better.  

Allison and Connor with their new Ann Arbor 
shirts that you can't see...darn.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Craving Summer

Yesterday we had 85 degree weather here in Ann Arbor.  Both Allison and Connor were loving it!  I filled the pool with water, set up the sand and water table, and made smoothies, the kids played for two hours. Connor loved both the pool and the sand.  After an hour and half Allison decided to sit at the picnic table and practice her writing.  Of course Connor had to join her for a bit:)

The Toledo Zoo

Allison at the Toledo Zoo

After a long day at the zoo we are ready to head home

The zoo is one of our favorite things to do these days so yesterday we made the trip to Toledo with three other moms and their kids.  It was a beautiful day and the kids had a ball.  The little ones wanted to be out of the strollers to see what their big sisters and brothers were doing, the view in the stroller just isn't that great!  Allison loved the polar bears and monkeys and I think Connor could have hung out with the seals all day.  It is a lot of fun to see Connor ohhhh and ahhhh over the animals. 

Allison and me at the Zoo

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


These days "poop" seems to coming up in all areas.   I know it is disgusting, but it has been one of those issues that we just can't seem to get away from. Since the age of three Allison has found this word (along with a few others) to be simply hilarious.  Just the mere sound of the word poop sends her laughing hysterically.  Anyway, the rule at school is any bathroom words are reserved for the bathroom and since I find these words to be gross and inappropriate, I too use this rule. There have been many times when she has been with friends and cousins that I have simply chosen to "not hear" this word, but it is not allowed.  Well, tonight Allison and Connor were taking a bath together.  Craig was at journal club and I was on my own.  After letting them play for a good 20 minutes and washing them up, I preceded to get Allison out of the tub and was about to get Connor out when I heard a lovely sound and looked down....POOP! Of course I hadn't gotten all the toys out of the tub and there was a pile of it in there.  Then, as I was rinsing him off, Allison yelled from the other bathroom for help.  I am sure you can figure out what she needed!  At this point I am trying to figure out if the bath was worth it, for many reasons:)  In 4 months we will be adding another one to the mix.  So, for the next 6 years or so, the poop saga continues.  Now, not only do I have a kitchen to clean up, but a very disgusting tub.  Gotta love it!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Baby Alguire #3

Two weeks ago we found out we are having a baby girl!  Here are some of the ultra sound images from the 20 week scan.  She was even sucking on her fingers!  Hard to believe I will be 22 weeks this week.

Profile picture
Profile of her sucking her fingers

Barbie Diamond Castle

About three weeks ago Allison went to the video store with Craig and came back with Barbie The Diamond Castle.  After several viewings of it and listening to the song, "I feel Connected", Craig and I felt it was at best, one of the worst kids' video we had ever had to watch as adults.  Allison, however, was in love with it.  She walked around the house singing the songs and begged to watch the movie over and over and over.  Of course we had to return the movie after having it for 5 days and Allison was not happy about it.  However, luck would certainly turn her way.  That weekend we drove to Grand Haven and I was picking out some books to read Allison from the kid shelf at Craig's parents and I found, "Barbie Diamond Castle".  Of course grandma told her she could take it home and she was ecstatic!   Every night since then we have had to read about Alexa and Leona. Today Allison and Connor were "playing" Diamond Castle and Connor was the spy.  Although he doesn't know what he is doing, he does love to follow her around and do whatever she does.   She covers her mouth and yells, so he does the same.  She carries around her umbrella, so he gets his and follows.  Poor Connor has no idea what he has in store....8 girl cousins and two sisters!!!!  Thank goodness for Carson and Palmer.

 Playing Diamond Castle with their umbrellas

With the encouragement of friends and a desire to keep up with technology, I have decided to create a family blog.  I am hoping that Craig will add some posts to give it a more humorous side, but I am assuming that I will be doing most of the posting.  Here goes.