It is hard to believe that Connor is already 18 months old. He was actually 19 months at his visit with Dr. Sandvig and he was a champ. He played peek a boo with her, copied me showing her how he copied and told her lots of his words. He ended up getting 4 shots, which was not fun at all, but he bounced back quickly.
At 18 months here are some things he can do:
-Feeds himself entirely. He loves to eat pizza, boca chicken, apples, tacos, and his favorite of all GUMMIES! He continues to say more and do the sign for it hoping to get at least two or three packs of those things. I am happy to have something to keep him happy in the jogger while I get my exercise in!
-Copies EVERYTHING that Allison does. He marches to the U of M fight song with "knees high" just as she does, sings songs, plays with dolls, whatever she does, he does.
-His favorite songs are The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle, and ABC's.
-He loves to take a bath and go swimming. In fact he is known to splash around in the water long after Allison is out of the tub.
Loves reading books about airplanes and cars. He is such a boy.
Here are his stats:
Weight: 27.09 lbs (63%ile)
Height:33.86 inches (84%ile)
Head: 19.88 (97%ile) Yes he has a big head!
Connor has just gotten into throwing some temper tantrums and has had several time outs for hitting Allison. He hates sitting in time out, so at least that is working. He also loves to sit in the rocking chair with me at night and read books. I have to say that I too savor this time alone with him. With a baby sister just 18 months younger, his alone time with me is limited.
Overall Connor is thriving. He is a ton of fun and we are excited to see the little boy he is turning into.
I'm glad time outs are working. I don't love the temper tantrum phase, but the rest of the time they are so cute. He is a doll.