Ella is 4 months old
Yesterday Ella was officially 4 months old! The last month seemed to have just slipped by me. It came and went so fast that I never had time to document the month. With both Allison and Connor I had taken then to get their three month pics, but poor Ella, she has to settle for 4 month pictures. I decided I had better get my act together or those 4 month pictures would quickly become 6 month pictures. So, yesterday we got some great shots of Allison at 5 years, Ella at 4 months, and a great group shot of the three of them. I was very happy with all the pictures! Connor was the one I was most concerned about, but he sat right down and was great. He needed some persuasion to smile, but otherwise he was a champ. Allison went to the
Yesterday Ella was officially 4 months old! The last month seemed to have just slipped by me. It came and went so fast that I never had time to document the month. With both Allison and Connor I had taken then to get their three month pics, but poor Ella, she has to settle for 4 month pictures. I decided I had better get my act together or those 4 month pictures would quickly become 6 month pictures. So, yesterday we got some great shots of Allison at 5 years, Ella at 4 months, and a great group shot of the three of them. I was very happy with all the pictures! Connor was the one I was most concerned about, but he sat right down and was great. He needed some persuasion to smile, but otherwise he was a champ. Allison went to the
dentist for the second time yesterday and they said her teeth looked great! I was happy to have
a great report and no cavities.
Getting her teeth cleaned
Here are some of the things Ella is doing:
-She watches her sister and brother constantly
-Smiling all the time, cooing, and screaming (not crying, just screaming)
-Holding on to small toys and bringing them to her mouth
-Pulling herself forward (no more sitting on the couch)
She is getting bigger every day. She is wearing 6 month and 6-12 month clothing.
Very long and very chubby!
Sleeping-takes great naps during the day and even puts herself to sleep at night in her cradle.
However, she seems to have some reflux issues at night and is getting up 3 times at night.
I am hoping that this resolves itself soon. I am a tired mama.